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Total Commander


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Total Commander 8.0 Beta 1

Konacno port na 64 bita.


16.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 1 (32/64)
16.09.11 Fixed: Could not install parallel port driver for parallel port connection (64)
16.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: When adding fields using the buttons like [N] or [C], the fields were always added at the beginning of the line, not the cursor position (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Search function: Aborting search with ESC no longer worked when cursor was in text input field (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Content plugins: Units were not working correctly (reason: bug in Free Pascal) (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Search for text in archives not working (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Main menu: The menu bar text was a little bit too high compared to the 32-bit version (64)
07.09.11 Fixed: Clear 64-bit plugin section in wincmd.ini when installing a new plugin, to force refresh of the list of plugins supporting 64-bit (32/64)
07.09.11 Fixed: Lister plugins: WM_COMMAND messages were not forwarded via ListNotificationReceived (64)
04.09.11 Added: Unistaller: Show warning that 32-bit version will be removed too (64)
04.09.11 Added: Changed name of 64-bit program to totalcm64.exe to allow installation to the same directory as 32-bit version (64)
04.09.11 Fixed: Unistaller crashed when trying to recreate icons (fix installation) (64)
02.09.11 Fixed: Display of file/drive sizes: Show terabyte separator when showing size in bytes (32/64)
02.09.11 Fixed: Pack with Alt+F5, some names containing Unicode characters -> warning dialog was modal to main window, not to progress dialog (32/64)
02.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Hide subfolder window when scrolling with mouse wheel (64)
28.08.11 Fixed: When using the themed progress bar, set the value in a way so the bar jumps immediately to that position (32/64)
28.08.11 Added: Show number of bytes handled and total bytes when copying, packing, unpacking (also with plugins) (32/64)
26.08.11 Added: Show number of files handled and total files when copying, packing, unpacking (also with plugins) (32/64)
26.08.11 Fixed: Show error about unsupported method when trying to unzip archive encrypted with pkware strong encryption method, which is patented (32/64)
21.08.11 Fixed: Still some scrolling problems in breadcrumb bar, only after subpanels were open (64)
16.08.11 Fixed: Memory leak in new 64-bit packer plugin list function (64)
14.08.11 Added: When browsing for plugins, also look for extension with '64' at the end. Cut off the '64' if there is a 32-bit plugin with the same name in the same direcory (64)
14.08.11 Added: All 64-bit plugins MUST now have '64' at the end of the extension, e.g. wcx64 (64)
14.08.11 Fixed: In various edit boxes in dialogs, pressing ESC caused the default beep (Lazarus bug) (64)
14.08.11 Fixed: Support own mouse wheel handling in Lister (only if the system sends wheel messages to Lister) (64)
10.08.11 Fixed: Mouse wheel problems (wrong range, hangs) in breadcrumb bar (64)
10.08.11 Fixed: Catch floating point exception in date/time compare function in case of invalid timestamps from some network drives (32/64)
05.08.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Popup menu shown at wrong position on right click (64)
05.08.11 Added: Lister: Show jpg, gif and png images in Lister without plugins also in 32-bit version, via gdi plus (32)
05.08.11 Fixed: Edit file from archive: Make sure that TC doesn't jump back to the foreground when the "wait" dialog opens (32/64)
03.08.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Search+Replace didn't support a combination of multiple strings (e.g. a|b) (32/64)
03.08.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Remove trailing slashes or backslashes from name before renaming (32/64)
03.08.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow not working in button bar (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Checksum to detect plugin section changes was calculated incorrectly, so new plugins were not recognized (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Column headers not drawn correctly with Windows classic theme (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Column headers didn't have left/right borders (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Colors by file type: Skip color filters where the plugin isn't available (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Search function: No rule was opened by default on plugins page (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown window didn't support mouse wheel (64)
29.07.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel no longer had the right size (64)
27.07.11 Added: Search function (Commands - Search): In field "Search in", a list file can be specified like this: @c:\path\searchfile.txt. The format can be ANSI, UTF-8 or UTF-16 (both with bom). The file must contain one file/dir name per line, absolute or relative (32/64)
27.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Use 'a' as number of digits for auto width depending on number of files, e.g. [C:a] or [C10+10:a] (32/64)
26.07.11 Added: Added buttons and hotkeys (Ctrl+Arrow up/down) to jump to previous/next wrong checksum in "Verify checksums" dialog (32/64)
26.07.11 Fixed: New progress bar handling (speedup) also for packers and packer plugins (32/64)
26.07.11 Fixed: After Ctrl+Drag selection, Shift+Click Selection started with the wrong file (32/64)
24.07.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewTimeZoneMethod=1/0 sets new Windows 7 time zone method (32/64)
24.07.11 Added: Windows 7: Use new timestamp display method as in Explorer (32/64)
24.07.11 Fixed: Drawing of file lists slow with Lazarus (use GetClipRect to draw only what is needed) (64)
22.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Directly accept backslashes in name field (for moving to subfolders) (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Create missing subfolders automatically when renaming. The Undo function will NOT remove these extra folders (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: F7 new folder: Remove double quotes around current path, e.g. when user used Ctrl+Enter on a name with spaces (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: Search function, go to file: When only one file was found, go to that file, even if it wasn't selected (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: Speed up file operations by handling progress bars with a timer (32/64)
19.07.11 Fixed: Separate tree lines had wrong (fixed) height (64)
19.07.11 Added: Draw new style (Windows Vista/7) expand/collapse icons in tree, make tree lines even lighter (can be disabled completely via ini) (32/64)
19.07.11 Fixed: Crash when unpacking from archive to protected dir if the selection was lost while the user account control dialog was shown (32/64)
17.07.11 Fixed: FTP connect could sometimes hang until the mouse was moved (64)
17.07.11 Fixed: Drag&Drop to a tab with a ZIP file not working when that tab was locked with the zip file as the locked directory (32/64)
17.07.11 Fixed: Selecting a word in "compare by content" by double clicking not working correctly with UTF-8 non-English (e.g. Russian) (32/64)
12.07.11 Added: Only show packer, file system and content plugins which are really available in 64-bit form (64)
10.07.11 Added: 64-bit self-extractor for installer (64)
06.07.11 Added: 64-bit installer, uninstaller and lzma dll (64)
03.07.11 Fixed: Command select dialog: The filter edit box did not have the focus (64)
29.06.11 Fixed: Make sure the file list isn't reloaded while inplace rename is asking user for new name due to rename error (32/64)
29.06.11 Fixed: Crash when connecting to FTPS due to bad/outdated openssl dlls (32/64)
28.06.11 Fixed: Crash on sending WM_USER+51 with wParam=1003 (cm_Properties) to TC while it does NOT have the focus (32/64)
28.06.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Crash when closing compare window during "Recompare from here" (or choosing "Recompare from here" again) (32/64)
26.06.11 Added: Copy from FTP or virtual folders (e.g. the desktop) to file system plugins (32/64)
22.06.11 Added: Show warning about ZIP>4GB only once when packing multiple files/folders >4GB with option "Create separate archives...", not for each archive (32/64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Copy to protected folder, overwrite file: "Rename target" and "Auto-rename target" not working with new default copy method (32/64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Cursor image wrong or hidden after dragging tab in tab header to other position or other panel (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Shift+F4 input dialog too small (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Could not resize columns in "Synchronize dirs" and the multi-rename tool (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Could not sort list in "Synchronize dirs" (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Groupbox controls did not react to Alt+Letter hotkeys (Lazarus bug) (64)
21.06.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Scrolling horizontally in edit mode (with right/left cursor keys) left remainders of the caret (64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Packer plugins: Selection not removed after packing, but only if plugin supports background operations like 7zip (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: ZIP/TAR packer: do not follow ininite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Branch view (Ctrl+B): do not follow ininite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Copy function: Could not detect infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions if the junction contained a short 8.3 name (e.g. DIRECT~1) (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: cm_SrcSortByColX commands: Ignore Ctrl and Shift modifier keys when using the command via a hotkey (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Brief view: could not sort columns by clicking on them (64)
19.06.11 Fixed: On PC with slow virus scanner, trying to load settings in search twice (by double clicking twice on two entries) could cause a crash (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Show background copy dialog on same screen as Total Commander, not on main screen (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Compare two files by content, edit file on FTP side, re-upload -> list was not refreshed if file in subdir because of slash/backslash mismatch (32/64)
17.06.11 Added: Made browse for folder dialog resizable, e.g. in synchronize dirs (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: make sure that all backslashes are replaced by slashes in CWD command (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Move window to main screen on load if position was saved on second screen which is not connected (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Don't show error "Insert Disk 0" for some ZIP files with zip64 central header (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Main window was re-enabled by mistake after using quick search in synchronize dirs (32/64)
15.06.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHoodReadInfo= set options for reading nethood: 1:GetAttributesOf, 2: SHGetDataFromIDList, 3:both (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Speed up reading of nethood in Windows 7 by not calling GetAttributesOf and SHGetDataFromIDList (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Shift+Enter not working properly with files in archives (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Search for text on FTP server: Aborting download didn't abort search, but the download of all other files was immediately cancelled (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Font may be wrong on Copy/Move page directly after changing font for dialogs and Apply (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Use WNetGetUser to verify whether a network connection already exists or not - if it does, do not call WNetAddConnection3 again to avoid problems with Windows server 2008 (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Quick search with AltGr: First character typed after releasing AltGr may be ignored (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: FTPS (FTP over SSL): "Always trust this server" was only working for certain self-signed certificates -> use SHA1 hash to recognize cert (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Lazarus combobox with dropped down list: ENTER or ESC closed entire dialog box instead of just closing the dropped down part (64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Wrong sort order after unpacking from plugin when option "add new files at end" was checked, the files were overwritten (reason: the list of changes was not cleared when re-reading the dir) (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Support line lengths > 8192 characters
12.06.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown menu could show up when opening the button bar context menu and closing it with the mouse over the breadcrumb bar (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: ZIP packer: Add archive attribute only to files, not to folders, just as when copying (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Minimize to tray during unpacking of multiple archives -> progress bar in tray remained at 100% when done (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Copy/Delete progress dialog: Minimize didn't work (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Resizing of window not handled correctly, because Lister handles WM_SIZE by itself (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Color combobox for other items showing numbers instead of colors (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Copy URL to clipboard not working correctly (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Unregistered version: Nag screen appeared behind main window (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Groupbox "Packer" in Alt+F5 pack dialog too small when no plugin was installed (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Cursor position not updated when right clicking on a file just to select it (64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Crash when minimizing to tray (64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: Don't show warning about already installed plugin if the plugin directory was removed (but the plugin is still in the plugin list) (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Copy in background with F5-F2: Prevent user from closing current tab (e.g. with Ctrl+W) until the background transfer has all the files (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Multi-part unrar: Progress bar could sometimes jump to 100% (when unrar.dll calls ProgressProc with Size=0) (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: FTP over HTTP: Only file sizes up to 2 GB supported when the server reported the size in kBytes or MBytes (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: FTP over HTTP crash when proxy has empty password (due to bad implementation of strnew in free pascal) (64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Various dialog box item sizes (32/64)
05.06.11 Added: Support checksum file names sha256sum and sha256sums
05.06.11 Fixed: Support cheksum formats SHA1 (filename) = checksum and SHA256 (filename) = checksum
05.06.11 Fixed: File system plugin interface: high dword of size field was not supported for folders
05.06.11 Fixed: Button bar: Parameter field was limited to 259 characters -> increased to 2047 (2 kbyte minus terminating 0) (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Show '?' instead of time stamp when zip contains invalid timestamp data (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive list: Handle case where Windows returns "(D:) label" for removable drives: remove the (D:) part (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working on Windows 9x/ME (32)
05.06.11 Fixed: FTP download from list hangs with invalid URL twice in list, e.g. "http //ghisler.com" -> make auto-reconnect abortable (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Recognize chrome extensions (.crx) as zip, they start with special header beginning with 'Cr24' (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Move in background (F6-F2) moved everything in subdirs even when using "Only files of this type" option was set (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Unpack from plugins: Directory attributes were not unpacked (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Accept Shift+Enter also in delete confirmation dialog on ftp servers (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Look for encoding="other than utf-8" and turn not on UTF-8 when found (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Make sure that file contains no invalid sequences when UTF-8 is contained in the first 256 bytes of the file, otherwise detect it as normal text (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Ctrl+Backspace was inserting strange characters in text field (same problem as in notepad.exe) -> just ignore the hotkey (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: FTP client: Edit file with F4 was using SIZE command of remote file although the size was available from the LIST command (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: When using VistaDelete=1 for deleting, the cursor placement was wrong when files like index.htm were deleted, because windows deleted also folder index_files (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Right click on list background, New -> Shortcut (.lnk) not working (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Windows 7: Don't show pause button in task bar when program was launched as admin, it doesn't work due to a bug in Windows (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Button bar: Launching program in "c:\Program files" with parameter %S would launch c:\Program.exe instead (if that exists) (32/64)
02.06.11 Fixed: UUE decode: Support name encoding us-ascii, e.g. begin 644 =?us-ascii?Q?photo=207=2Ejpg?= (32/64)
02.06.11 Fixed: FTP: Could not abort the copying of a directory to its own subdirectory (32/64)
02.06.11 Fixed: Crash in associate dialog after changing icon and closing dialog (64)
02.06.11 Fixed: The FTP toolbar/panel background was not themed correctly (64)
01.06.11 Added: "Skip all" in copy as admin function, skips all files which fail to be copied as admin (32, 64)
01.06.11 Fixed: When a crash occurs during a file operation and the user chooses to continue anyway, he cannot close the progress dialog -> remove it (32, 64)
01.06.11 Finished porting to 64-bit, resume normal bug fix operations


Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
PC / Laptop Name:
voodoons’s MacBook Pro
CPU & cooler:
Intel Core i5
8 GB
VGA & cooler:
Intel Iris Graphics 6100
Retina LCD 13"
Apple Inc
Mice & keyboard:
Lenovo BT Laser Mouse
SBB 70/4 Mb/s
OS & Browser:
OS X 10.11.6
Iphone 6
Total Commander for Android rc 1 (release candidate 1) is available now!

This is the fourth official public beta of Total Commander for Android. Anyone may try the program now, because I think that it's finally sufficiently stable. I have also removed the beta warning at the beginning. This beta will expire on 30. October 2011.

The history of changes can now be found here:


Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Mice & keyboard:
cm quickfire tk (brown mx) | cm novatouch tkl & logitech mx performance
OS & Browser:
hehe... dobra fora... me like it :)


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Total Commander 8.0 Beta 2


23.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 2 (32/64)
23.09.11 Fixed: Support translation of shortcuts in Lister main menu (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Problem with FTP downloads causing strange crashes (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Menu bar not drawn correctly by Lazarus if it had a left to right gradient (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Editing the current path (by clicking behind it) resulted in an empty path field on some systems (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" only supported English characters (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Command line: Various hotkeys including Ctrl+K and ENTER not working (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Selecting a file with space didn't update the footer (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Lister: view large image with internal viewer, switch from full size to "fit to window" and back -> vertical scrollbar was missing (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Background transfer manager: The speed limit wasn't loaded when the dialog was created (32/64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Dual screen, TC on secondary screen -> the overwrite confirmation dialog was shown on the primary screen (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdowns didn't have any border -> modify Lazarus component library (64)
21.09.11 Added: Search function: Save current search text before starting a search, so Lister plugins can access it (32/64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Splash screen: an additional icon appeared in the taskbar (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Main window focus was lost, and additional icons appeared in the taskbar (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Some controls were overlapping in main configuration dialog with Windows classic theme (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Maximize main window, minimize to tray, click on tray icon -> window wasn't maximized any more (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Some more shortcut keys on buttons were not working, e.g. in button bar change dialog (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow while comparing by content (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Beep sound when renaming file in place -> removed (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Thumbs view: Alpha blending (transparency) not handled correctly, folders look ugly (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Selection with mouse in brief view not working correctly, caret sometimes shown twice (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Passive mode not working with IPv6 (PreferIPv6=1 in wincmd.ini) (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Let Lazarus draw the main menu bar (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Tree: [+] indicator too large when using Windows classic theme (32/64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Custom message box (e.g. when deleting read-only files): Shift+Cursor keys was not working (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Selection wasn't removed when switching edit mode off (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Could no longer select text with the mouse (32/64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Exceptions in external C/C++ dlls (e.g. when aborting RAR unpacking) cause TC to crash (Ctrl+C hit) due to bad exception handling in free pascal, see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17280 -> patch system.pp (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Button [N#-#] did not work correctly, it always returned the entire range (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: The sorting header did not have a separator line above it to the current path (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Arrows in the sorting header (showing the sort direction) were not filled when using Windows classic theme (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: After switching from full to brief view or back, some files could suddenly be selected (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved just above the tabs (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Main and Lister window position were restored incorrectly when the Windows task bar was on the left side (64)
19.09.11 Added: Show version 8 in properties of installation auto-extractor and installer (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: In some dialogs like the overwrite confirmation dialog, hotkeys for buttons were not working (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: CRC check dialog: The button used to jump to the next/previous error wasn't moved when resizing the dialog (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Brief view: Name/Ext/.. headers not resized correctly when maximizing or restoring (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Program started without any tabs - mode with 2 panels above each other not restored (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: noclose.exe/noclose64.exe wasn't included in the installer. It's used to open a command line program and keep the window open (Shift+ENTER) (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: TC didn't start on Windows 9x/ME/2000 due to a missing function -> load it dynamically (32)
19.09.11 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack multiple dirs, each to a separate subdir -> two dots instead of one before extension (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: FTP: All stored passwords not protected with a master password could not be loaded (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: The title bar didn't show the "Beta" character in all languages (e.g. Russian) (32)
19.09.11 Fixed: Double click/press ENTER on file with internal association in an archive would open the file twice, both with the internal and the system association (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: By default, look for tcmatch64.dll instead of tcmatch.dll (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: FTPS: load libeay32.dll first, because it's used by the other OpenSSL dll -> makes sure the right dll is used (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: x64: Look for ssl dlls in subdir "64" if they couldn't be loaded from TC directory (e.g. because the 32-bit dlls are there) (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Crash verifying certain wincmd.key files (Reason: error porting assembler to 64-bit) (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Images not centered initially if larger than the screen (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Progress dialog (file operations): ENTER key sometimes triggered Abort instead of the focused button (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: English help file: Section about wincmd.ini was cut off (32/64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Self-extracting installer: Bad progress bar (due to bug in Lazarus str function) (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Scrollbars not working when viewing image files (32)
18.09.11 Fixed: File system, lister and content plugins: Plugin not loaded if the path contained an environment variable (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: With Windows basic theme (AeroGlass off), file tooltips were not completely removed if their height changed (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar: When loading new bar with OPENBAR command, the window size wasn't adjusted if the bar height changed (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: Menu breaks (continue menu at the top right) were not supported by Lazarus, added manually (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: didn't receive WM_MEASUREITEM messages, so the lines would be too small (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Focus is lost for a short moment when closing the button bar configuration dialog (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Search using list file: Ignore empty lines in file, they were erroneously interpreted as the location of the list file (32/64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Dialog box font was only 2 pixel high when choosing a different charset in Configuration - Options - Fonts for dialog boxes (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Clicking on "\" button (the one without icon) went to network neighborhood instead of going to the root (only when drive dropdown list was off) (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Ctrl+V in command line pasted the same string twice (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Command line didn't show up on cursor right or cursor left when it was hidden via configuration (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool / change attributes: F2 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't choose anything (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Alt+F1 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't switch the drive (64)
Poslednja izmena:

a c a

PCAXE Member
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
CPU & cooler:
Hyper X
VGA & cooler:
Optical drives:
Mice & keyboard:
OS & Browser:
Mrzim sedmicu. Lepo sam u XP-u inkorporirao winrar kao packer u TC-u i isto to sam uradio i u sedmici ali ne lezi vraze, sedmica i njene "dozvole" ne dozvoljavaju da pozovem direktno winrar. Gde se to podesava?


PCAXE Member
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
CPU & cooler:
i6 6700k 4.4ghz
GA Z170x-UD3
32 GB DDR4
VGA & cooler:
Nvidia GTX 680
Dell u2312HM / Samsung 2032BW / Samsung LE40C530
850 EVO / 830 PRO
Line 6 POD
NZXT Phantom
TT 630W
Mice & keyboard:
Apple magic mouse,Apple wireless keyboard,razer deathadder
Cable 25/1
OS & Browser:
OSX 10.11.3
S7 Edge
UAC,slajder na off


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Total Commander 8.0 Beta 9


11.11.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 9 (32/64)
11.11.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Do not start operation when clicking on an item in auto-complete (64)
11.11.11 Fixed: Command line: Do not execute it when clicking on an item in auto-complete (32/64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Wrong progress shown when copying a folder where the size shows a question mark (=counting folder size with Alt+Shift+Enter) (32/64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Confirming new comment with Ctrl+Enter added line break at the end of the comment (64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Selecting text by double click not working correctly in Unicode file without BOM (32/64)
10.11.11 Added: (experimental) Compare by content: support files >2 GB (64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Master password input: Turning off secure input mode now also allows to input passwords via IME (e.g. Korean) - this is not supported in secure mode (32/64)
09.11.11 Fixed: Master password input: Clear the typed character before calling CallNextHookEx (older versions didn't call CallNextHookEx, but Windows did, so other programs could see the keys too) (32/64)
09.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Don't allow to switch to display type '5' (html) while viewing a directory -> beep, switch to UTF-8 (32/64)
09.11.11 Fixed: Some USB floppy drives were not correctly recognized (they returned media type 17) (32/64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Switching to image/multimedia manually with '4' key -> plugin could no longer be closed with e.g. '1' key (64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Hide compare by content window before re-uploading file to FTP server (was causing lockups to some users) (64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Network neighborhood: Entering a plugin with a default custom view not working when in thumbnails view (32/64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Don't use VistaDelete method if file cannot be found, e.g. because it's in a directory belonging to a different user (32/64)
08.11.11 Added: (experimental): Quick search with Korean characters (mode: letters or letters with search dialog): Show IME window in lower left of the listbox instead of using a floating window (32)
08.11.11 Fixed: Re-opening quick search with Ctrl+S would select an earlier quick filter string (64)
08.11.11 Fixed: With InactiveFocus=1, brief view on both sides, switching away from TC and back could show the focus frame in the footer (32/64)
07.11.11 Added: Lister: Auto-rotate jpg images loaded via GDI+ to the angle stored in the EXIF information (32/64)
06.11.11 Fixed: F3 on a directory -> the display type was shown as binary instead of utf-8 (32/64)
06.11.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Q or F3 on a directory -> the text could be scrolled with PageDown (32/64)
06.11.11 Fixed: Inactive focus rectangle was drawn during copying each time a file or folder was copied (32)
06.11.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Paste from clipboard not working with Unicode text into ANSI files either (64)
06.11.11 Fixed: XP only: When using InactiveFocus=1, inactive cursors may appear in the active panel on quick search, when switching panels etc. (32/64)
Poslednja izmena:


Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
PC / Laptop Name:
voodoons’s MacBook Pro
CPU & cooler:
Intel Core i5
8 GB
VGA & cooler:
Intel Iris Graphics 6100
Retina LCD 13"
Apple Inc
Mice & keyboard:
Lenovo BT Laser Mouse
SBB 70/4 Mb/s
OS & Browser:
OS X 10.11.6
Iphone 6
jbt, svaki put pogledam kad ima novih poruka u temi u nadi da je izasao final..
beta 9, precerase:d


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Total Commander 8.0 Beta 10


25.11.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 10 (32/64)
25.11.11 Added: Send WM_COPYDATA with dwData='G'+256*'W': Same as with 'G'+256*'A', but data is returned as UTF-16 Unicode. dwData of return is 'R'+256*'W' (32/64)
25.11.11 Added: Send WM_COPYDATA with dwData='G'+256*'A' and lpData pointing to command to get back WM_COPYDATA with various info. Supported commands A: Active side (returns L or R), or two byte command: first byte: L=left, R=right, S=source, T=target. Second byte: P=current path, C=list count, I=caret index, N=name of file under caret. dwData of return is 'R'+256*'A' (32/64)
25.11.11 Added: New environment variable %COMMANDER_EXE% pointing to the Total Commander program (totalcmd.exe or totalcmd64.exe) (32/64)
23.11.11 Fixed: FTP, delete connection: Function wanted to delete also the item below the deleted one (64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Footer not updated in the following special case: Brief view, Cursor down, Ctrl+A, Insert, Ctrl+Num+"-", Cursor up (64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Log file rotation by date (daily after midnight) not working (64)
23.11.11 Added: When dragging mail from Outlook to TC, and a mail with the same name existed, TC only offered to retry or abort (32/64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Press ENTER in autocomplete dropdown list in various dialogs (e.g. change button bar) -> dialog was closed (64)
23.11.11 Added: Allow to use 64-bit plugins also when the wincmd.ini is read only, so the [???64] sections cannot be written (64)
23.11.11 Added: Start TC with a larger default size if the size wasn't saved, make sure the window isn't partially hidden by the task bar (32/64)
23.11.11 Fixed: TC could crash on Windows XP with cleartype enabled (64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Icons of file system plugins not loaded if the path to the plugin contained an environment variable (64)
23.11.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AlwaysAsAdmin=1: Once the user has confirmed any operation with "All as administrator", this is applied to all other file operations too until tcmadmin is unloaded (32/64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives with Alt+F9 to a protected folder not working with option "Unpack each archive to a separate subdir" (32/64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives with Alt+F9 to a protected folder created one progress dialog per file, didn't remove them all (32/64)
23.11.11 Fixed: Last used packer was not read from ini value LastUsedPacker when packing files from one archive into another (64)
22.11.11 Fixed: Closing standalone synchronize dialog could sometimes take more than a second (64)
22.11.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: F2 list was not sorted by name (64)
22.11.11 Added: Alt+F10 tree: If TreeFileLocation isn't set, save the tree in the same location as the thumbnail cache in the following cases: 1. network shares, 2. the drive containing the windows directory (revert to default with TreeFileLocation=%R%treeinfo.wc) (32/64)
22.11.11 Added: Find files, load/save search: Put character '>' in "Search for" or "Search in" box and save the search -> when loading, the field with this character is NOT loaded (32/64)
22.11.11 Added: Alt+F3 or F4: If the editor isn't found, show the name of the program which isn't found (32/64)
22.11.11 Added: Verify CRC checksums: Allows to check the checksum of a single file by putting the checksum in the clipboard and using Files - Check CRC checksums with the file to be checked (32/64)
21.11.11 Fixed: ESC or clicking outside inplace rename box renamed the file anyway (64)
21.11.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] InplaceOkButton=0 turns off the button to confirm the inplace rename (32/64)
20.11.11 Added: Show button to the right of the inplace rename edit box to confirm the renaming with the mouse (32/64)
20.11.11 Added: Lister: Jump to bookmark in html when loading from command line e.g. TOTALCMD.EXE /S=L:T5 file.html#bookmark (32/64)
20.11.11 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show number of filtered out files in the footer (right side) with filter icon (32/64)
17.11.11 Added: New internal command cm_100Percent to show one panel at full width (32/64)
17.11.11 Added: Support SSL-encrypted ftp server to server transfers by sending the server the SSCN ON command if the server reports it via FEAT, otherwise try CPSV (32/64)
17.11.11 Added: Connect to FTP or HTTP: Always try all IP addresses as long as connections fail. By default, this will now also support IPv6 on Windows Vista/7 (turn off with PreferIPv6=-2) (32/64)
17.11.11 Added: Support environment variables also in ignore list (32/64)
16.11.11 Fixed: FTP, add new connection: Connection not added when closing dialog with ENTER (64)
16.11.11 Fixed: Default beep when closing command browser with ENTER or ESC with cursor in search box (64)
16.11.11 Fixed: The position of the command browser (e.g. when clicking on magnifying glass icon in "Change button bar") was not remembered (64)
16.11.11 Fixed: XP only: With InactiveFocus=1, starting quick search with search dialog could leave behind an inactive cursor (32)
16.11.11 Fixed: Totalcmd crashing on ReactOS (reason: problems with ANSI calls to Unicode combobox) (32)
16.11.11 Added: Lister (F3): Use Irfanview/Xnview to load internally supported image type (e.g. *.bmp, *.jpg) if it is listed in IViewAdditionalTypes variable (32/64)
15.11.11 Fixed: Tab key not working in dialog box "compare by content" to switch to up/down button (64)
15.11.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] AutoRotate=0 turns off automatic rotation of JPG images according to the EXIF orientation value (32/64)
15.11.11 Added: Compare by content: Show compare progress bar and percent done in footer (32/64)
15.11.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Increase load speed (slowdown caused by try..except block) (64)
15.11.11 Fixed: Numerical values from wincmd.ini were not read if there was text behind them, e.g. comments in the form ;this is a comment (reason: bug in Lazarus function val) (64)
13.11.11 Fixed: Compare by content: "Copy to clipboard" in ANSI text not working (64)
13.11.11 Fixed: Lister: End key in large images (>1000 pixels high) didn't jump to the very bottom (32/64)
13.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Memory leak loading images via GDI+ (32)
13.11.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Comments of folders were not deleted with the folders (when option to copy comments with files was set) (32/64)
13.11.11 Fixed: Shift+F6 rename in full view: Edit box had wrong width when not using the default (show as bytes) for the size column (32/64)
13.11.11 Fixed: Lister: F5 key was handled twice, once by the menu hotkey, and again by onKeyDown (64)
13.11.11 Fixed: Pressing TAB in auto-complete window selected first item from the list even if none was selected (or the next item if one was selected) (64)


Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
PC / Laptop Name:
voodoons’s MacBook Pro
CPU & cooler:
Intel Core i5
8 GB
VGA & cooler:
Intel Iris Graphics 6100
Retina LCD 13"
Apple Inc
Mice & keyboard:
Lenovo BT Laser Mouse
SBB 70/4 Mb/s
OS & Browser:
OS X 10.11.6
Iphone 6
au, jos jedna beta..


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Znam, znam. Jos jedna beta :troll:

Total Commander 8.0 Beta 12


09.12.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 12 (32/64)
09.12.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NethoodStyle=0..2 set style of Network Neighborhood: 0=Windows-Standard, 1=additional XP-style subfolder, 2=only XP-style (32/64)
09.12.11 Fixed: Still some mouse cursor flickering when comparing two archives by content in synchronize dirs (32/64)
09.12.11 Fixed: Show warning about non-empty folders also when deleting to recycle bin with VistaDelete=1 (this shows all warnings BEFORE actually deleting anything) (32/64)
08.12.11 Added: Installer can now be set to install TC invisibly (e.g. from some init script): install.inf [auto], auto=1 and hidden=1 (32/64)
07.12.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MediaRemote=1 use windows media remote to control TC (default: 0): Cursor+OK as usual, <- Backspace, i directory hotlist, >| Tab, |< Ctrl+Tab, Play/Pause Command menu, Stop ESC in dialogs, select file in lists (32/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Disabled UC2 packer because it's not available in 32-bit or 64-bit, so it cannot be run on 64-bit Windows (32bit on Win64/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Problems showing inplace rename when separate tree visible (32bit: Only when moving window outside the screen and back) (32/64)
07.12.11 Added: When auto-installing a plugin with translated description, support also other codepages than the current user codepage (32/64)
07.12.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CompareDeleteBak=1: Delete .bak files when closing "Compare by content". Note that only the last created .bak file for each side is deleted (32/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Show again also files in auto-complete list if only one file is selected for copying (32/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Unloading tcunzl64.dll before stopping icon extraction seem to have caused crashes on some user's computers (64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Quick search with Alt+Letters: Menu items directly on the menu bar would still be executed if the hotkey matched (64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Main window: Ignore the font script (e.g. Cyrillic) chosen by the user on NT-based systems, use DEFAULT_CHARSET because it's Unicode anyway (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Option <Default> did not reset the checkboxes "1x" (only once) and "[E]" (also in extension) (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: FTP upload: TC could try to resume upload although the user chose "overwrite", if the connection was lost before the upload started (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: Inplace rename confirmation button disappeared when the cursor was at the right edge and the user pressed cursor right (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: cm_EditPath, Encode file ,Synchronize dirs: Do not start operation on ENTER in auto-complete dropdown list (64)
06.12.11 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] PreferIPv6=2 tries the server addresses in the order the name server sends them (IPv4 and IPv6 mixed) (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: Quick search: Cursor was no longer placed at the end when re-opening an active quick filter (32)
04.12.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: ENTER on "F2 Background" button had same effect as ENTER on OK button (64)
04.12.11 Added: Switched to new Lazarus build with fpc 2.5.1 - may cause various incompatibility problems, please test thoroughly! (64)

02.12.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 11 (32/64)
02.12.11 Added: (Experimental) On Windows Vista and newer, show subfolder in Network Neighborhood with "Entire Network" (as on Windows XP - doesn't seem to contain anything on some systems) (32/64)
01.12.11 Added: Synchronize dirs: In the footer, show number of displayed AND total files when a filter is used, otherwise just one number as before (32/64)
01.12.11 Fixed: Problem with selecting partial name in Chinese file names (e.g. F5-F5 or Shift+F6-Shift+F6) (64)
01.12.11 Fixed: Right to left languages: Show group boxes right-aligned too, e.g. in main configuration dialog (32)
01.12.11 Fixed: Could no longer pass parameters to external unpacker by giving them after the target path, e.g. c:\target -kb or "c:\target -path" -kb (32/64)
30.11.11 Added: InplaceOkButton=2 shows confirm button to the left of the edit box, where the icon is normally shown (32/64)
30.11.11 Fixed: Color filters without a "_SearchFor" entry no longer worked in beta 10 (32/64)
30.11.11 Fixed: Right to left languages: Some controls were misaligned in the search dialog (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Only show folders in auto-complete suggestions, because the sort order couldn't be fixed (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Using Home/End/Cursor left/right with cursor enabled could leave remainders of the cursor in the text when the window itself was scrolled (64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Show inactive text cursor also in active window during search and other dialogs (but not when showing the copy progress dialog) (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Exif rotation incorrect for rotation flag 5 and 7 (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Crash viewing bitmap file with RLE4 compression (Lazarus bug) -> use GDI+ to load all bitmaps (64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Jump to bookmark in html when loading not working if the html file was UTF-8 encoded (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: ENTER key no longer worked in synchronize dirs result list (64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Compare by content of large binary files: Avoid that the window freezes after a few seconds, causing the progress bar to stop. Note that binary compare only counts the differences! (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Inplace rename box width incorrect for folders when using Russian user interface (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Moving separator to 0% while cursor in left panel -> put cursor in right panel (32/64)
27.11.11 Added: Do not move TC to the tray when the user minimizes it via task manager and there is a popup window open in TC (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: While comparing archives by content, show cursor with wait with busy sign beside it instead of switching between cursor and busy sign (when unpacking) (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: FTP upload many small files, or delete files - progress bar and names were shown only rarely, because winsock called the callback function less often than in 32-bit (64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Drag file to breadcrumb bar dropdown list always copied the file, even when shift was pressed (64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Inactive cursor had white lines between the dashes instead of the background color (visible e.g. when using a black file list background) (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Trying to get floppy drive type may fail with ERROR_MEDIA_CHANGED when a floppy is in the drive -> just call the function a second time (32/64)


PCAXE Addicted
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
PC / Laptop Name:
MacBook Air M1 16/512GB
CPU & cooler:
5950x Full EK Water 2x360 Radiator D5 Pump
Patriot Viper Steel 4400MHz
VGA & cooler:
ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 4090 Trinity
LG Ultragear 27GP750 1080p 240Hz
Fractal Define S2 Tempered Glass
Seasonic Platinum-1000 1000W - SS-1000XP
Optical drives:
Mice & keyboard:
Logitech Pro X Superlight White & Logitech G413
Supernova Optika 1000/500
OS & Browser:
WIN 11 x64 Pro Legal,Firefox
Raspberry pi 5 8gb
Auuuu rodjo bete na izvoz :P


PCAXE Member
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
CPU & cooler:
AMD B55 @3.8Ghz/2.8Ghz NB & Noctua NH-D14
ASUS Crosshair IV Formula
2X2GB Excelram Rippler + 2X8 GB Patriot,sve na 9-9-9-24-27 1T@1600Mhz
VGA & cooler:
ASUS 280x
ViewSonic VX2260WM
Samsung EVO840 120 GB+Samsung 1.5 TB+Samsung HD321KJ 320GB+WD AAKX 500GB+WD 320GB AAKX
Integrisana zv. & Logitech G51
CM Silencio 650
Chieftec BPS-850C 850W
Optical drives:
Samsung SH-S223F
Mice & keyboard:
Logitech G400s,neki djubre-plastikaner od 5e(za sad :D)
OS & Browser:
W7 x64
Ne svidja mi se neshto ta nova moda. Skapirali ljudi foru kako da navataju beta testere za Dz,pa izbacuju poluproizvode na sve strane. Al' boze moj,bitno da su oni cisti....pa rekli su da je beta....:mad:


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Ja koristim 8.0 od prve bete jer konacno postoji 64-bitna verzija, pa makar bila beta. So far radi OK. E sad, sto se tice ove opaske oko beta testiranja, ne vidim nista lose. Niko nije obavezan da je proba a rezultat moze biti samo bolji prozivod. Opet, imas SW-a koji se deklarise kao final pa je bagovit. E da znam da ne kacim vise linkove ka beta verzijama, lose uticem na atmosferu :troll:


PCAXE Member
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
CPU & cooler:
AMD B55 @3.8Ghz/2.8Ghz NB & Noctua NH-D14
ASUS Crosshair IV Formula
2X2GB Excelram Rippler + 2X8 GB Patriot,sve na 9-9-9-24-27 1T@1600Mhz
VGA & cooler:
ASUS 280x
ViewSonic VX2260WM
Samsung EVO840 120 GB+Samsung 1.5 TB+Samsung HD321KJ 320GB+WD AAKX 500GB+WD 320GB AAKX
Integrisana zv. & Logitech G51
CM Silencio 650
Chieftec BPS-850C 850W
Optical drives:
Samsung SH-S223F
Mice & keyboard:
Logitech G400s,neki djubre-plastikaner od 5e(za sad :D)
OS & Browser:
W7 x64
Ma neee,to su neke moje licne misli... :D

Komentar bas nije bio vezan konkretno na ovu temu,nego uopsteno komentarisem gomilu igara koje prorade lepo tek posle sedmog-ipo (:d) patcha,i programa koji su sve gori i gori kako vreme prolazi....

Jbg,nakupilo mi se,pa sam morao da bacim hejt negde....izvinjavam se :D


PCAXE Eminent Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
Ma OK je. Evo nesto gledam, koristim Firefox beta verziju, Thunderbird beta verziju, Forceware beta verziju i ko zna sta jos beta verziju .... Sirim lose vibracije. Hell, cak je i ovaj forum nekoj beta verzija (doduse release candidate 1).


PCAXE Update Guru
Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
PC / Laptop Name:
Custom made
CPU & cooler:
AMD Ryzen 5 5900X & Noctua NH-U12A chromax.black
ASUS Strix B550-F Gaming WiFi
GSkill DDR4, 2*16 GB, 3600 CL16
VGA & cooler:
ASUS TUF Gaming Radeon RX 7900 XT OC Edition 20GB
Benq EX2780, Sony KDL-50W829B
Adata GAMMIX S11 Pro 512GB M.2 & SSD SU650 960 GB
Cooler Master Scout 2
Seasonic SS-760XP Platinum
Optical drives:
LG Blu-ray BH16NS40
Mice & keyboard:
Logitech M330, Classic 200
Orion optički 500/50 Mbits, Asus RT-AC87U Red edition
OS & Browser:
Win10Pro x64
UPS MGE PC500, Logitech HD Webcam C525, Sony RX100M4.
Total Commander 8.0 beta 13


32-bit (Windows 95 up to Windows 7, 32-bit AND 64-bit!)

64-bit (Windows XP,Vista and 7, ONLY 64-bit!)

- Fixed: Column widths wrong when changing the screen resolution while TC is minimized (64)
- Fixed: Background button was shown for some packer plugins even if they didn't support background unpacking, as long as the plugin was never used for packing (32/64)
- Fixed: Shift+Click after selecting with Insert would select the wrong range (64)
- Fixed: F5-F2 copy in background: Show the warning dialog when appending a file to another as child of the main form so it's not hidden behind it (32/64)
- Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Sample icon wasn't visible initially (64)
- Added: Multi-rename tool: F2 Load/Save combobox: Set width to longest string if more than combobox width (32/64)
- Added: Synchronize dirs: F2 shows list of saved synchronize options (32/64)
- Fixed: Virtual drives did not show up in the breadcrumb bar (32/64)
- Fixed: "Select all" function (to select text in edit boxes) not working on some Asian windows versions (Lazarus problem) (64)
- Fixed: Side scrolling custom columns view: Distorted display of inactive focus rectangle (32/64)
- Fixed: Hide inplace rename box when scrolling vertically in the file panel surrounding it (32/64)
- Fixed: DEL/F8 on [..] updir items caused error "No files selected" twice on Windows Vista/7 (only if VistaDelete not disabled) (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Hide filter symbol as soon as a new comparison starts (32/64)
- Fixed: Dialogs were mirrored on Hebrew or Arabic windows even when using English language due to change in Lazarus (64)
- Fixed: Selecting files with Shift+Click could select wrong range immediately after F5 copy operation (32/64)
- Fixed: Ignore NethoodStyle option on Windows versions older than Vista, it doesn't work (32/64)
- Fixed: Breadcrumb bar was causing again icons in the task bar (64)
- Fixed: Ctrl+F dialog: First item in list was selected in addition to item under cursor (64)
- Fixed: Various index out of bounds errors in listboxes due to Lazarus update (64)


Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
PC / Laptop Name:
voodoons’s MacBook Pro
CPU & cooler:
Intel Core i5
8 GB
VGA & cooler:
Intel Iris Graphics 6100
Retina LCD 13"
Apple Inc
Mice & keyboard:
Lenovo BT Laser Mouse
SBB 70/4 Mb/s
OS & Browser:
OS X 10.11.6
Iphone 6
Cek jel jos jedna beta, ne vidim nigde...

ttalk DHD


Rezultat reagovanja
Moja konfiguracija
U postu iznad tvog ...