PCAXE Apprentice
- Učlanjen(a)
- 05.06.2019.
- Poruka
- 16
- Rezultat reagovanja
- 2
Moja konfiguracija
Najveci je problem sto nemam direktan kontakt sa dobavljacem, sve je preko preprodavca sa Kp, samim tim nemam ja tu puno sta da dokazujem. Najverovatnije je sutra saljem pa cu sacekati oko 30ak dana. Mislim nemam nikakve vise ideje sta bih mogao da probam sve sam moguce isprobao, gledao sam da je masa ljudi imala probleme oko 550 i 570 maticnih. Jedino sto sam mogao da zeznem je sa biosom, dobio sam sledecu preporuku sa reditta:
Using BIOS flashback, you can revert to any BIOS version, including the one that came with the board in the first place, or try the very latest version. If it doesn't help, it is possible your first BIOS update went very wrong and corrupted the BIOS chip. In which case you can repair it using a $2-3 EEPROM chip reprogrammer, try to replace it by warranty reasons, or send for a 3rd party repair.
Predlozi? Sta raditi, da li slati za madjarsku?
Using BIOS flashback, you can revert to any BIOS version, including the one that came with the board in the first place, or try the very latest version. If it doesn't help, it is possible your first BIOS update went very wrong and corrupted the BIOS chip. In which case you can repair it using a $2-3 EEPROM chip reprogrammer, try to replace it by warranty reasons, or send for a 3rd party repair.
Predlozi? Sta raditi, da li slati za madjarsku?