Pale Moon Firefox
Besplatni browser, 100% baziran na kodu Mozilla Firefoxa, ali specijalno optimizovan za Windows OS.
Sve extenzije i teme za FF koje sam probao, normalno su radile na PMu. Brzina, na nešto sporijem kompu (Sempron, 512MB, integrisana grafika, WinXP Home), je primetno poboljšana u odnosu na standardni FF. Na aktuelnim kompovima nisam primetio previše razlike.
NAPOMENA: ako neko želi da isproba PM, a ne bi da ošteti svoju trenutnu instalaciju FFa, najbolje je skinuti "ZIP packed versions" (na Download strani), jer ona koristi profil FFa, tako da brisanje PM foldera ne oštećuje sam profil! (Naravno, sve izmene unutar PMa, npr. dodavanje nekog bookmarka, odraziće se i na FF).
Main features:
* Highly optimized for current processors
* 100% Firefox sourced: As safe as the browser that has seen years of development.
* Uses slightly less memory because of disabled redundant and optional code
* Significant speed increases for page drawing and script processing
* Support for SVG and Canvas
* Support for Firefox extensions, themes and personas
System Requirements:
* Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven, 32-bit or 64-bit (64-bit are not natively supported, but the browser will run fine on them)
* A 7th generation or later processor with SSE2 support like a Pentium IV or Athlon 64 or later (see list of supported processors) Standard Pale Moon will NOT run on Athlon XP processors!
* 64 MB of RAM (128 MB or more recommended)
* At least 35 MB of free (uncompressed) disk space
For your convenience, Pale Moon only releases select and relevant version updates of Firefox, and will be released with a delay compared to Firefox for building and testing. If you need to run the latest version at all times ("bleeding edge") please use the official Firefox builds.
Besplatni browser, 100% baziran na kodu Mozilla Firefoxa, ali specijalno optimizovan za Windows OS.
Sve extenzije i teme za FF koje sam probao, normalno su radile na PMu. Brzina, na nešto sporijem kompu (Sempron, 512MB, integrisana grafika, WinXP Home), je primetno poboljšana u odnosu na standardni FF. Na aktuelnim kompovima nisam primetio previše razlike.
NAPOMENA: ako neko želi da isproba PM, a ne bi da ošteti svoju trenutnu instalaciju FFa, najbolje je skinuti "ZIP packed versions" (na Download strani), jer ona koristi profil FFa, tako da brisanje PM foldera ne oštećuje sam profil! (Naravno, sve izmene unutar PMa, npr. dodavanje nekog bookmarka, odraziće se i na FF).
Main features:
* Highly optimized for current processors
* 100% Firefox sourced: As safe as the browser that has seen years of development.
* Uses slightly less memory because of disabled redundant and optional code
* Significant speed increases for page drawing and script processing
* Support for SVG and Canvas
* Support for Firefox extensions, themes and personas
System Requirements:
* Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Seven, 32-bit or 64-bit (64-bit are not natively supported, but the browser will run fine on them)
* A 7th generation or later processor with SSE2 support like a Pentium IV or Athlon 64 or later (see list of supported processors) Standard Pale Moon will NOT run on Athlon XP processors!
* 64 MB of RAM (128 MB or more recommended)
* At least 35 MB of free (uncompressed) disk space
For your convenience, Pale Moon only releases select and relevant version updates of Firefox, and will be released with a delay compared to Firefox for building and testing. If you need to run the latest version at all times ("bleeding edge") please use the official Firefox builds.
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