Ovde ima dva rešenja za ovaj problem (ili "problem"Hm, nađoh jedan smor - ako ima više attachmenta, svaki put moram da kliknem na onaj + da bih video sve priloge (npr. kad hoću da otvorim samo 1 od 3 priloga). To me baš nervira
Može li to nekako da se izmeni, tj. da odmah budu vidljivi svi attachmenti?

Ja sam iskoristio editovanje userChrome.css:
"As a compromise between showing it collapsed (thus not providing direct access to the attachments even if only a few are provided) and always expanding it by default (thus potentially using up a lot of space when the message has lots of attachments), the following code shows only first row of attachments when opening, then allows opening in full with the toggle"

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