Samo da ne bude sledece godine 210 din/l eurodizela.malo prisecanja
Zabranjeno je parkiranje ne registrovanih automobila bilo gde osim na svom posedu (garaža, dvorište).pitanje - auto na parkingu. stoji od 2006. ocherupan, do maksimuma. dakle, sve sa njega je skinuto.
ako ja odem da skinem kvaku, da li vrshim krivichno delo ?![]()
verovatno postoji neki zakon o tome, kako se napushtena kola vode, odnosno kolko vremena treba da prodje pa da se nevozen/havarisan vodi kao napushten, te valjda ide na drzavni otpad, ne znam, znam samo da bi trebao da spada pod zakon o zastarevanju, stim shto primaoc stvarnog prava nad kolima verujem da moze da postane iskljuchivo drzava.
Ta nakaza mu je zenapa samo ova nakaza pored auta validno predstavlja njegov osecaj za estetiku ..
Pa vidis da je dizajner Kinez!pa samo ova nakaza pored auta validno predstavlja njegov osecaj za estetiku ..
izvorEastern and African traditions
In China, red (红 pinyin: hóng) is the symbol of fire and the south (both south in general and Southern China specifically). It carries a largely positive connotation, being associated with courage, loyalty, honor, success, fortune, fertility, happiness, passion, and summer.[34][35][36] In Chinese cultural traditions, red is associated with weddings (where brides traditionally wear red dresses) and red paper is also frequently used to wrap gifts of money or other things. Special red packets called hong bao as in Mandarin or lai see as in Cantonese - are specifically used during the Chinese New Year to give monetary gifts. On the more negative end, obituaries are traditionally written in red ink, and to write someone's name in red signals either cutting them out of your life, or that they have died.[36] Red is also associated with both the feminine yin and the masculine yang, depending on the source.[36][37]
In Japan, red is a traditional color for a heroic figure.[38] In the Indian Sub-continent, red is the traditional color of bridal dresses, and is frequently represented in the media as a symbolic color for married women. The color is associated with purity, sexuality in marriage relationships through its connection to heat and fertility.[39] It is also the color of wealth, beauty, and the goddess Lakshmi.[25]
In Central Africa, Ndembu warriors rub themselves with red during celebrations. Since their culture sees the color as a symbol of life and health, sick people are also painted with it. Like most Central African cultures, the Ndembu see red as ambivalent, better than black, but not as good as white.[40] In other parts of Africa, however, red is a color of mourning, representing death.[41] Because of the connection red bears with death in many parts of Africa, the Red Cross has changed its colors to green and white in parts of the continent.[42]
Pa vidis da je dizajner Kinez!Sve unutra je u orijentalnom fazonu, kao da si usao u kineski restoran.
To je mozda njima cool, kao i ova sto izleda kao da je izasla iz Asian pr0n-a....![]()
Tu orijentalnog niceg nema!Samo kich!Pa vidis da je dizajner Kinez!Sve unutra je u orijentalnom fazonu, kao da si usao u kineski restoran.
To je mozda njima cool, kao i ova sto izleda kao da je izasla iz Asian pr0n-a....![]()
Nakon ovoga vidjenog, moze samo cuvena mantra: Mecka je meckaOvo je jos bolja fora:
Zaštita se radi pre zime!
Ja ne bi ništa dirao do pred kraj leta, do tada će ti pokazati svugde gde mora da se šmirgla (dok se ne skine sva korozija, gitovanje ako baš treba) i prefarba + izlakira.
Odozdole imaš razne HB BODY zaštite ili ono domaće crno g****ce - "kobit" (ne znam kako se tačno piše i ko ga proizvodi, ne koristim ga jer znam da je BODY bolji)...