Probaj ovo..pokusao sam i nece sve isto,pogasio sam procese i isto je.Sad tele se ne pali pojavljuje mi se telefon i komp a iz medju uzvik kad hocu da ga upalim.Sta je to?
"Phone stuck at a triangle with an exclamation mark or has 0kb after flashing.
For other firmware just replace JCE with the one you want.
Flash I
1. Select spica_jc3.ops into Select OPS field
2. Select I570EXXJCE.tar into Selet Integrate Package – Choose One Package Option field
3. Tick the One Package option
4. Click Start to start flashing. The timer and progress bar above COM Port Mapping field should start . If the progress bar doesn’t start but the timer continue to run , close Odin and disconnect the phone from PC. Remove and insert the battery and start the phone in download mode again, then run Odin.
5. Wait until PASS message appear in Message box and the progress bar box turns into blue.
6. At this step, you may get the flashing seems to be failed, and you’ll see exclamation mark appears like image shown below. Don’t worry, this is not the end of your spica, close the Odin and disconnect the phone from PC.
7. Remove and insert the battery, start the phone in download mode then run Odin again and follow the steps in Flash II.
Flash II
1. Keep spica_jc3.ops in Select OPS field.
2. Click Reset Files to clear the fields.
3. In Select Images to download panel
Select I570EXXJA1_CLI32638_Bootloader.tar into BOOT field
I570XXJB4_Phone.tar into PHONE field
I570EOLBJB3-CSC-CL167487-OLB.tar into CSA field, and let the PDAfield empty.
4. In Debug Option panel, tick Debug Only and PDA Format option. Don’t tick One Package option in Option Panel.
5. Click Start and watch the progress bar and timer, wait untill PASS message appear on Message box.
6. Disconect the phone from PC, remove and insert the battery, start the phone in download mode again then continue to Flash III.
Flash III
1. Keep spica_jc3.ops in Select OPS field.
2. Click Reset Files to clean the fields.
3. In Select Images to download panel, Select I570EXXJCE.tar into PDA field.
4. If you get an error dialog, rename the I570EXXJCE.tar into I570EXXJCE_PDA.tar and insert into PDA field again.
5. Don’t select One Package option and Debug Option.
6. Click Start and watch the progress bar and timer, wait untill PASS message appear on Message box.
7. The phone will restart and you will get the Eclair screen :-)
"Phone stuck at a triangle with an exclamation mark or has 0kb after flashing.ulazi samo u download mod,ali mi ni studio ni kies ne prepoznaje telefon.Sad sam opet pokusao da flesujem i <0> Create File...
<1> StartThread Detected : 1
<2> StartThread Detected : 0
<3> StartThread Detected : 0
<4> StartThread Detected : 0
<5> StartThread Detected : 0
<6> StartThread Detected : 0
<7> StartThread Detected : 0
<8> StartThread Detected : 0
<1> --- cannot open the usb serial port. code: 5
Iskljuciti notifikacije u standardnom sms programu i svuda gde pita postaviti Handcent kao def.SMS aplikaciju... Za imenik ne znam sta da ti kazem, ja sad imam HTC koji ima svoj HTC sync i on mi sinhronizuje telefon sa Outlook-om, na gmail-u mi je sad iskljucena sinhronizacija i sve mi se cuva na kompu u Outlook-u..ako moze malapomocoko onog mog starog problema sa imenikom Woodns.
Ako se secaš nemam u ikonici u porukama ,tamo gde se dodaje primalac,nijedan kontakt.Pokusao sam par puta sinhronizaciju sa googlom ali on prebaci jedan kotakt u 7,8 primeraka i to je to.Pošto vidim da za ovo nikonema rešenje prebacio sam se na hand cent sms on radi redu svi kontakti su tu,izabrao sam ga kao glavni sms servis ali poruke i dalje stizu i na stari i na handcentsms tako da mi jedna poruka stize dva puta.Pitanje je kako mogu ugasiti fabrickiservis za poruke da mi primarni bude samo hand cent sms?![]()
verovatno poslednji JH6. ako se tebi ne pokaze kao dobar, flesuj neki stariji.koji se firmware do sada pokazao kao najbolji?
mislim da je subjektivni utisakHvala puno!!!
Sve prošlo u najboljem redu, jedini problem što meni 1.5 verzija deluje lepše i brže.... a možda samo tripujem![]()