Hvala za linkThe KMPlayer

Nego, da li je neko ovo instalirao? Jel se meni to čini ili više nema onog reklamnog tulbara?
Hvala za linkThe KMPlayer
A, ok... Nisam to provalio, jer ja samo "raspakujem" exe, pa koristim kao neku vrstu portabl programa.Ja instalirao samo da proverim verziju. I dalje nudi instalaciju nekog toolbar-a ali sam je preskocio.
Changes in KMPlayer (2010/11/08):
* Audio errors during content playing are fixed.
* Decision logic for content(AVI) scanning fixed.
* DXVA2 H.264 performance improved.
* DXVA2 MPEG2 bug fixed.
* File playing start speed improved.
* MP2, ATRAC3, H.261 codec bug fixed.
* Resizing of Preference page.
* Synchronizing errors between Video and Audio channels are fixed.
Aaammm... Ovo?Kako podesiti colorspaces na 0-255?
http://www.kmplayer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18527Dear all,
This is Kent, and I’m gladly announcing you that I’ve just rejoined KMPlayer and will take a overall development of KMPlayer as a Vice president of KMP media.
KMPlayer has been separated from PandoraTV and now the KMPmedia is managing the R&D of KMPlayer by Feb, 2010.
KMP media is now focusing on its’ own development for offering better services for users’ multimedia life by adopting more systematic management and also hiring experts and engineers for KMPlayers’ development. All these new changes and investment are the necessary actions of KMP media to meet the users’ requirement and needs toward KMPlayer, and it will be unavoidable to monetize the part of service.
We do request your understanding and also promise you that new businesses will be also a service for users’ benefit.
As the first step of above changes, new businesses will go along with local experts and users participations. Also Open API will be provided for personal users and service providers so they can utilize the KMPlayer for their own purpose and needs.
Again, to give you a great return for all the support and loves that you showed, we will do our best to make better KMPlayer.
We hope you keep sharing your opinions, and enjoy the privilege of being KMPlayer user.
Thank you
Hehe, pritisnuo si I Accept, a?Ebo te ovakav km player
Iako nisam stiklirao instalirao mi se onaj toolbar seljacki