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i još:About new DevCert issued since 23/June
Due to changes to the SymbianSigned website, ALL THE DEVCERTS issued after 23/June can be only used to sign apps which UID is in the unprotected-range: 0xE0000000-0xEFFFFFFF
In brief... if you've obtained a DevCert after the 23/June (despite by the website you used to get it) then:
- You can't sign every app, but only those (few) which UID is in the unprotected-range (eg: RP+ Lite Version and HelloOX 2.03)
- You can't hack anymore the phone using HelloOX 2.11 (because it contains an embedded .sis which UID is not in the unprotected-range)
- You can hack the phone using HelloOX 2.03 (if your phone is supported)
- You can hack it using a modded UDA (still valid for ALL the devices)
The way I prefeer is to create an hacked UDA by adding the *.ldd files only... Then sign (using a DevCert) and install RP+ Lite Version (it can be signed using the new DevCerts too)
Doing in this way, if you don't apply any patches, you can be sure that the phone will behave exactly as the original, because all components are 100% original, no component is permanently replaced...
And when you want to change the behaviour from "vanilla" to "hacked", you just need to apply the included installserver and open4all patches.
You can even put them in "auto" if you need to use the phone as "hacked" for most of time.
seems to be the end of the Symbian as we all know it. loved and easy to get it modded. not anymore
it is not so sudden as it seems. all that was changed by SymbianSigned. As the Symbian is not OpenSource again, Nokia can do with it what they want. So... This is what happened. Any application with bigger system rights is "forbidden" :| even the well known JBak Taskman.
And for all: It is affecting not only HelloOX2.11 but the JustHackIt! too. Even if it not seems, it is using same way to hack the device, so the update for the certupdater has to have same UID from protected range (if I am right in all details and explanation)
izvini pre nisam mogao da probam da ti uradi certifikate. ako bude kako treba javljam ti se sa certifikatimajel hoce neko da mi nabavi sertifikat? cekam vec 10 dana i nista
Ok. ti možeš na "navifirm" pronaći koji god FW hoćeš i snimiti ga. važno je samo da ne ideš niže od tranutnog softvera prilikom fleša.meni bi pak vise odgovaralo direktno kroz sertifikat,jer ovu verziju softwera koju imam,radi mi besprekorno
neću javiti nego ću poslati.gorisha,ako uradis sertifikar,javi mi preko PP
Ok. tražiću neki način kako to sreditiNokiu E71,a IMEI sam ti poslao na PP
Hajde probaj ovo instalirati. javi kako se ponaša!
da to znam. ovo što sam ti poslao da pokušaš našao sam zajedno sa nesignovanom. ja je nisam testirao jer sam telefon hakovao sa instalserver.exe tako da mi to ni ne treba. i dalje čekam kad će mi "osloboditi" akaunt na symbiansigned. nadam se da je ovo zamrzavanje privremeno. ja sam ti napisao koja je alternativa (po meni i bolja) od samih certifikata. ako se odlučiš tu sam da moze se instalirati,ogranicenje jeste signovana aplikacija,ali je signovana za jedan IMEI-a,meni treba za moj IMEI da bude oficijalnom sajtu HELLoX2 ima da se preuzme signovana aplikacija za moj IMEI,ali se placa 5e