oko 4 dana djuske...Koliko ti je vremena trebalo ?
Napisi maka sta je sve ovo, da ne gledamo u pasulj,Mass Effect 2 DLC List:
Braaaate stvarno sam bio zbunjen i onda sam seo nocas i guglao malo i nasao da ce Shepard dobiti makinu kroz DLC.ahahaha jafa ubo sustinu, nista nisam vozio nisam ni razmisljao o tome
Opet ce se vratiti na staro ucitavanje (pred sam kraj igre ce se takodje ucitavati instant) ... sto znaci da definitivno nesto nije u redu sa tom optimizacijom u toku same igre.elem, ne znam sta se desilo ali nakon nekog vremena tranzicije medju spratovima u brodu su postale instant...tipa 1-2 sec load time, pre toga (merio sam) su bile oko 45 sekundi...
I just though i would share this with the community for those of you that are in the same boat i was in. On the PC version i was having problems with it taking anywhere from a 60-120 sec to load when i would transfer from deck to deck of the Normandy. Now i thought this was just how the game worked, but after searching around i found this fix, and my loads went form taking two min to less then 3 sec. To say the least my mind was fucking blown. I wish i knew about this before i spent about 30 hours putting up with these god dam long load times.
Anyway the reason you're here. The problem is with a bug in the unreal engine for those of you using dual core processors. The bug essentially multiples the load times by upwards of 10 times what it is supposed to be. The fix is, once you start the game alt tab back to the desk top, then go to your task manager ( cntrl +alt+ delete). Find masseffect2.exe in the list then right click it and go to "Set Affinity...". Change it to one core, then click ok. Re open it again and set it back to two. Congratulations, you just cut your load times by over 200%.