Filmove u 90% slucajeva pustam sa cd-a, a ostalo sa hdd-a. SSD sam uzeo, jer imam neki krljavi hard koji se bas cuje kad radi, pa me ovo spasilo bede, a i navikao sam na ssd, jer ga imam i u desktopu i u laptopu
Ubrzavas HTPC SSD-om, pa ce filmovi brze da ti idu i onda moras playback da usporis... Jasnije??
Au, kako tako dobri rezovi na sata 2Prikacen na SATA II, Samsung Magician ukljucen, Win 8.1
Zar sata2 nije ogranicen na 300mb/s ??Prikacen na SATA II, Samsung Magician ukljucen, Win 8.1
Second generation SATA interfaces run with a native transfer rate of 3.0 Gbit/s, and taking 8b/10b encoding into account, the maximum uncoded transfer rate is 2.4 Gbit/s (300 MB/s). The theoretical burst throughput of SATA 3.0 Gbit/s is double that of SATA revision 1.0.
A imam 12GB rama, ko zna sta on radi.Enjoy rapid performance by switching to a higher gear
Like changing gears in a car, with Magician software you have the option of RAPID mode, enhancing performance by processing data on a system level through the use of free PC memory (DRAM) as a cache. Depending on your PC memory, you can expect higher performance and more efficient command processing, which improves with repeated tasking. Boost into a higher gear to vastly improve QD1 random write performance to almost the same level as QD32.