PCAXE Member
- Učlanjen(a)
- 01.04.2009.
- Poruka
- 828
- Rezultat reagovanja
- 1
Moja konfiguracija
CPU & cooler:
AMD Athlon x2 7750 @ 3.1ghz [Thermaltake Ruby ORB]
Gigabyte MA770-UD3 (rev 2.0)
2GB Kingmax 1066 + 2GB Geil Ultra 800
VGA & cooler:
Saphire Radeon 5750 1GB
Samsung T220
WD 320 AAKS + WD 500 ABYS
Cooler Master Elite 332
LC Power Metatron Prophecy 750W
Optical drives:
Pioneer 215
Mice & keyboard:
Logitech Internet multimedia keyboard + MX510
OS & Browser:
Win7 RTM 64-bit
Prochitajte obavezno, iskrivio sam se.
source: qj.net
The claws are out -- and from Apple, wouldn't you know! Phil Schiller, Apple's marketing VP main man, is calling out the PSP and the DS, handheld gadgets from Sony and Nintendo respectively, for being overpriced. And not being cool anymore. Kssshhh...
"When [DS and PSP] came out, they seemed so cool," said Shiller. "But once you play a game on the iPod touch, you think 'hey, these things aren't so cool any more..."
Wearing out that coolness factor isn't the only problem. "We're talking about 25, 30, 40 dollars a title. These kids can't afford those titles. Worse isn't the price, it's the buying experience." As opposed to their games -- all 21,178 of them, not to mention the up and coming hot titles such as Assassin's Creed II from Ubisoft and the music game Riddim Ribbon.
Apple's definitely making it known they're putting themselves in the handhelds race now, flat and square. Well, Sony and Ninty? What say you? With these points raised by Apple, making a comeback with "It's not really in the same league as us, hence it's not a competition" won't suffice, methinks.
source: qj.net