PCAXE Addicted
- Učlanjen(a)
- 13.11.2012.
- Poruka
- 1.286
- Rezultat reagovanja
- 26
Moja konfiguracija
Broj stream procesora može da bude isti i na GCN arhitekturi, s obzirom da je 32nm, ne verujem da bi išli na bitno veću površinu. GCN sam po sebi zauzima nešto više prostora od VLIW4, ali je daleko efikasniji.S obzirom na to koliko su prebrojali Radeon jezgara, neće biti ni GCN. Preslikani Trinity setup, odnosno VLIW-4.
AMD Richland APU:
According to the roadmap, AMD Richland APU would not feature the steamroller core architecture but instead would be based on the current generation x86 Piledriver core architecture which is currently being used within the recently launched Trinity APUs. Along with it, ARM cores would also be fused on the same die for AMD’s HSA (Heterogeneous System Architecture) enhancements. The APUs would remain compatible with the FM2 socket boards and would be include the latest Radeon Cores 2.0 which would presumable fall under the HD 8000 series (Sea Islands) specs. The AMD Richland APU would be the mainstream/performance entry level chips and would launch around mid-2013.
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OBR hardware - to ti je isto kao da si pitao neku proročicu.
Richland i još ponešto. Mada, kad vidim ono desno na sajtu... :blabla:
Pa mozda nizi rang nije brzi od 6000, jer je baziran na Caymann arhitekturi.Meni se cini da je trubio kako ce HD7000 serija biti fail i da nece biti brza od HD6000. Nije da nikad nista ne pogodi, al nije bas da i sve pogadja.