Tesko je reci. Retko sta radi dobro, ako posmatras IPC. Npr, nije los u 7z i WinRAR-u, zatim, sasvim je solidan u ponekoj video kompresiji i to je to... U ponekoj igri nije los i to je to.Za sta je onda optimizovan BD uopste, za socket?![]()
Our testing shows that not every application realizes a performance boost. In fact, heavily threaded apps (those designed to use all 8 cores), get little or no uplift from this hotfix – they are already maxing out the processor. In other cases, the uplift averages out to a 1-2 percent uplift. But heck, it is free performance, and this is the scheduler model that will be used in Windows 8 (along with some further enhancements), so why not add it to your list of downloads?
Sta si ocekivao sa patchom? +30% performansi?Koji nonsence![]()
The Pepsi Challenge has been an ongoing marketing promotion run by PepsiCo since 1975. It all started when a Pepsi employee setup a table with two blank cups: one containing Pepsi and one with Coca-Cola. Shoppers were then encouraged to taste both colas, and then select which drink they prefer. Then the representative then revealed what brands were in each cup. At the end of the day the public was doing a blind taste test and the company was getting a consensus of what brand was preferred by more consumers. Over the years this test has been copied by thousands and today AMD is putting their own twist to the challenge down in Dallas, Texas for the FX GamExperience.
The AMD Reality Check Results:
System A (Intel Core i3-2105): 5 Votes
System B (AMD A8-3850): 136 Votes
No Difference: 2 Votes
Ne videh da je spomenuto koje su igre koriscene ali Eyefinity sugerise da nije CPU bottleneck.The AMD Reality Check Results:
System C (Intel Core i7-2700K): 40 Votes
System D (AMD FX-8150): 73 Votes
No Difference: 28 Votes
TO bi bilo idealno... Ja sam prodao Appleu i7 + p67ud4 skoro nove za 33k 10ak dana pre BD-a, a nakon toga 10 dana, i7 je sam skočio na 27K, pa posle na 30 itd...Prvo naprave glupost, pa nam onda objasnjavaju kako to nije bitno
Eeee da su samo shrinkovali Phenome, smanjili im potrosnju i povecali takt...