Apgrejdovali smo forum na XenForo 2.1.1, ukoliko imate predloga vezanih za izgled ili funkcionalnost foruma, ili ukoliko naletite na neki problem, javite nam OVDE
DEFINISALI SMO PRAVILA FORUMA. Pročitajte ih, pojaviće se automatski kada krenete da čitate nešto!
Opera 10.60.3433 Beta
We promised you more *nix fixes this week, and here they are. There are also a number of cross-platform fixes to address a few important problems.
At this stage, we are mostly interested in regressions since 10.5x, so let us know if you spot anything.
WARNING: This...
Venomous-X Black
Da ne otvaram novu temu evo i nove iteracije sad vec dobro poznatog Venomous-X sada u Black verziji. Ima ga na zvanicnom sajtu a evo i par slika. Razlika, pored crne boje, je i u novoj pasti (Chill factor III thermal paste) i jos dodatna 2 seta za 140x25mmmm ventilatore. Kad li...
EVEREST Ultimate Edition v5.50.2169 (.ZIP) Beta
* Hardware Monitoring / new item: +1.05 V voltage
* Vista Sidebar Gadget / support for HKLM WOW64 Registry path
* detection of ATI Catalyst 10.5 driver
* Motherboard / CPUID / Core Power Boost status detection
Nove zanimljivosti od Thermalright-a. Ne znam sta illidan misli o ovoj black veziji Venomous-a. Meni je sasvim OK, za ostale nemam komentare jer jednostavno meni ne trebaju toliko veliki kuleri...da cujem vas.
Posle dosta predloga i ja se slazem da je najbolja kupovina PRESTIGIO
PWC2 cak i u kategoriji od 50-60 eur-a. Tako da je i moj izbor. Kad je budem kupio iznecu utiske.
EVEREST Ultimate Edition v5.50.2136
* detection of ATI Catalyst 10.4 driver
* GPU information for ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5430/5450 (Park)
* GPU information for new nVIDIA Ion (GT218)
* extended reference OpenCL Extensions list (for ATI RV8xx, nVIDIA GF100)
* Intel Processor Number detection...
Opera 10.52 RC2 build 3366
Mac has reached final quality for it’s first final release of Evenes!
We are going for a release of Opera 10.52 on Mac and Windows soon. Linux is getting ready for their first beta of Evenes too. So we are seeing great progress on all platforms.
Kao sto naslov kaze treba mi preporuka za web kamericu najvise za Skype program. Po mogustvu sa integrisanim mikrofonom. Ne zelim da kupim neki konfekcijski model nego neku u rangu od oko 50 Eura. Najbolje neko ko vec ima neku slicnu i da kaze kakva su mu iskustava. Imam ADSL 1mb/128kb ocekujem...
I meni se svidja ova i cenim da je kvalitena i izdrzljiva. Da ne moram da placam carinu i putne troskove narucio bi od ovog lika iz Nemacke za ovih 100 jevreja.
Opera 10.51 RC2 for Windows build 3313
Here is a second 10.51 Release Candidate for Windows. A few small stability fixes have been added, and we fixed a problem with Chinese text being rotated for some users.
As always, let us know if you discover any regressions or other major issues...
Nadam se da ce na prolece doci i kod nas ovaj kuler a ja cu se strpiti za black veziju koju ipak ocekujem. Naime pre par dana izasao je jedan opsezan test sa Intel i7 980X ali i sa AMD X4-965. I evo kako stoje rezultati:
ProlimaTech Megahalems 24.29°C over ambient
Thermalright Venomous-X...
Meni licno a nadam se i drugima zanima da li Corsair ima u planu da napravi kuciste u MIDI segmetu, ima nas mnogo kojima zaista ne traba veliko full ATX kuciste. Pogotovu sto je meni sasvim dovoljan jedan HDD a izlaskom i pojeftinjenjem SSD-a jos manje mesta, buke i toplote ce mi se stvarati u...
Opera 10.51 RC1 build 3311
This is the first 10.51 Release Candidate for Windows. The changes since the previous build are mostly stability fixes, and there's some work on improving Carakan memory usage compared to Futhark. We have also fixed a minor issue related to performance.
Let us...
Opera 10.51 build 3309
This Opera 10.51 build brings a few important fixes to the e-mail client. We have also been working on stability, and some tweaking of performance related to JavaScript timers, which should lead to smoother animations in some cases. Some bugs related to customization have...
Opera 10.50 build 3298
We're closing in on the 10.5 Final for Mac, and we've been working hard on getting it ready. Of course we have been working hard on all the platforms but Mac has made some big strides this week.
Mac Highlights
Fix for extensive CPU usage and slow down
Drop downs...
EVEREST Ultimate Edition 5.30.2043
* Hardware Monitoring / 1 sec update frequency for GPU properties
* chipset information for AMD 890GX (RS880D)
* SPD memory information for Asus Eee Top ET2002
* sensor support for Dell SMI of Precision T3400
* motherboard specific sensor info for ECS...
Opera 10.50 RC4 build 3294
Opera 10.50 RC4 for Windows fixes these issues:
Fixed CORE-28211 (Crash at wordpress.com, texterity.com, and more)
Fixed DSK-284279 (Radio buttons and checkboxes are missing in the native skin)
Download Opera 10.50 RC4
Windows MSI / Windows Classic
Opera 10.50.3261 Beta
Known Issues
The bookmarks might be ignored if you upgrade from older 10.50 builds
Hovered/selected items in dropdown menus go white
Font problems
Command line option problems
Compiz issues
Language input issues
...and more