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- Učlanjen(a)
- 05.09.2011.
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- 848
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Koliko sam shvatio SOPA i PIPA mogu da pritiskaju samo američke kompanije. Znači najgore što mogu uraditi inostranim kompanijama je da im uskrate saradnju sa svojim domaćim.
Znači ovo:
Gde ovo piše?
Ovde je ACTA ko ima volje da čita 52 strane: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/11/st12/st12196.en11.pdf
Znači ovo:
će možda važiti samo u Americi (ako usvoje ovakve zakone).Ovi novi predlozi zakona se odnose na neke sasvim druge stvari, poput toga da zbog jednog sajta neka komisija moze da nalozi zatvaranje rada celog hosting servisa i da im naplati kaznu jer su dozvolili takav sajt na njihovim serverima.
Gde ovo piše?
Evo šta sam ja našao o ACTA. Ne izgleda tako strašno.Ameri mogu da traze izrucenje osoba "krivih" za pirateriju bilo gde na zemaljskoj kugli i da im se sudi u amerikama i jos gomile drugih stvari, poput "olabavljenih" zakona o privatnosti i ljudskim slobodama po kojima ce raznorazni "servisi" imati odresene ruke da prate sta ti radis po netu, da ti presrecu mejlove i td.
What is ACTA?
ACTA ensures people everywhere can continue to share non-pirated material and information on the web
ACTA does not restrict freedom of the internet. ACTA will not censor or shut down websites.
ACTA ensures that organised crime can be pursued when intellectual property is stolen - harming innovation, fair competition and destroying your jobs
ACTA is not about how we use the internet in our everyday lives.
ACTA allows people to continue using their social networks such as Twitter and Facebook just as they have in the past – no change.
Computers, laptops and smartphones will not be checked or monitored – ACTA is not Big Brother.
Izvor: http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/trade-topics/intellectual-property/anti-counterfeiting/What ACTA is not about
ACTA is not about checking or monitoring private communication on the internet and it will not censor websites. It is not about how individual citizens use the internet. It will not censor websites. It is not about how individual citizens use the internet.
It will not lead to limitations of fundamental rights (e.g. control of laptops of air passengers at borders, monitoring of internet traffic). The respect of fundamental rights such as privacy, freedom of expression and data protection is expressively mentioned as a basic principle of the agreement.
ACTA will not change the existing EU legislation. ACTA does not create new Intellectual Property Rights, but concerns procedures and measures to enforce existing rights and to act against large scale infringements, often pursued by criminal organisations.
Ovde je ACTA ko ima volje da čita 52 strane: http://register.consilium.europa.eu/pdf/en/11/st12/st12196.en11.pdf