Pa nesto malo je brzi za gaming, ali to svakako ne opravdava razliku u ceni. Procesor je namenjen za workstation pre nego za gaming. Ako ces da se igras, vise nego dovoljan je, t.j. najbolji izbor je i5 2500K, to je valjda svima jasno.U jbgt, gd ewja živim
Ovo čudo je već izašlo??! Ala vreme leti...
Feđo, make us proud
Inače, ne vidim neku bitnu (osetniju) razliku u odnosu na 2600/2700K procesore, što se tiče gaminga... Očekivoa sma neki low budget Heca core, ali stanej je na tržištu takvo da zbog nedostatka konkurencije ima da nam prodaju četvorojezgraše još minimum 3 godine.... upcoming microprocessor has BX80623I52550K box part number, which corresponds to i5-2550K processor number. The CPU has SR0QH S-spec, which we can trace to CM8062301213000 OEM part number. Both box and OEM part numbers were added to the MDDS database this week. Based on this, and also on the fact that the i5-2550K is not on the roadmap, we believe that the decision to release this chip was made very recently. Besides the fact, that the 2550K is based on Sandy Bridge design with 4 CPU cores, and produced in LGA package, there are no known specifications for this Core i5., Intel has released seven new Sandy Bridge based CPUs: three Core i5 and four Celeron models. All the i5 SKUs are desktop models, whereas the Celeron SKUs are mobile: two standard voltage and two ultra-low voltage models. Below is a table of the new SKUs.
kad sam kupio 2500K nisam ni znao da ima grafikuEkstremni overklokeri?
Zezam se. Samo napred! I da nesto povalis i u februarskoj nocinazalost ne jos uvek sam u Enthusiasts ligi kao nesto se koprcam ovih dana cu da iskorisim ovaj minus za neke poencice